

I love black coffee and if you are a coffee lover you have to try Stumptown Roasters coffee.  They are based in Oregon, Ashley's family ships it down to us all the time...think you can order online...if you live near LA their is a vegan bakery called BabyCakes (lots of good, sweet, gluten free, vegan, refined sugar free eats in this place http://www.babycakesnyc.com/locations.html) that sells it by the pound and serves it.

 More important than the beans I've found is the quality of the coffee maker.  The way it filters the water over the coffee is important, I think.  Spent $80 one time on one of those target all in one grinder/coffee makers and it produced absolute undrinkable mud, no matter how much I spent on fancy beans.  We own a Capresso brand (older model 441) simple coffee maker (think you can google shop it for around $180-230) and it makes the most amazing coffee.  I can put cheap Safeway brand grounds in it and still get a decent cup of coffee.  So, combination of quality coffee maker, good natural, organic coffee beans (whole beans, always grind your own) and always make sure to use filtered, cold water for brewing.

Forgot about Sleepymonk Coffee it rocks just as much as Stumptown, its another Oregon roasted bean and crazy good, haven't found anything that even gets close to touching either of these two brands.



Capresso coffee maker links


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